Event Calendar
January 2024
January 9: General Body Meeting on 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM. Contact charlotterattlers@gmail.com for Zoom link and password
January 13: MLK March w/ the HBCU Coalition. The HBCU Coalition will meet at the staging area at 8:45am near the Charlotte Ballet. They are unit #47 with step off at 9:30am at 9th and North Tryon.
January 15: Charlotte Area Chapter scholarship application process opens
January 19: Charlotte Hornet’s HBCU College Fair. 12:30-3:30 pm. Please contact charlotterattlers.social@gmail.com for updates
January 19: Hornets Game vs San Antonio Spurs at 7 PM, Spectrum Center, Charlotte, NC. Ticket link: TBA
February 4: Annual HBCU Night with the Charlotte Hornets vs. Indiana Pacers at 6 PM, Spectrum Center, Charlotte, NC. Ticket link: TBA
Feb. 8: Saluda Corridor Business Association HBCU College Fair, 10:00- 2:00 pm. Rock Hill Sports & Events Center/ 326 Technology Center Way, Rock Hill, SC
February 17: NCBW College Fair 10:00am-2:00pm. Contact charlotterattlers.scholarship@gmail.com for more information.
Chapter scholarship application opens. New and Returning FAMU students from the Charlotte Metro area are eligible to apply. Apply here: www.charlotterattlers.com/scholarships
March 12: General Body Meeting on 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM. Contact charlotterattlers@gmail.com for Zoom link and password
March 22-24: Spring Preview/FAMU College Tour. Contact charlotterattlers.scholarship@gmail.com for more information.
April 15: Chapter scholarship application closes
April 20: Annual Golf for Youth tournament 8:30 am @ Carolina Lakes Golf Club. Register as a player or sponsor at https://bit.ly/cltfamugolf2024
May 9: FAMUly Social Meet-Up: Join us at Optimist Hall, 6-9 PM 1115 Address: N Brevard St, Charlotte, NC 28206
May 14: General Body Meeting and Chapter Board Elections on 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM. Contact charlotterattlers@gmail.com for Zoom link and password
End of fiscal year
July 13: Annual Rattler Round-Up and Membership Drive BBQ from 12 - 5 PM. Location: The Venue at 8470 at 8470 Bellhaven Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28216. Join us for our Membership Drive, Student Send-off, and Community Service! Registration is required for accurate catering count. Register here by 6/28 for early bird rate: https://bit.ly/RattlerRoundup2024
January 2023
General Body Meeting on January 10: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM. Contact charlotterattlers@gmail.com for Zoom link and password
MLK March: ( 1/15/23, 2- 3:30 PM). Location: Meet at the intersection of Tryon and Phifer Street. Contact Nikita Sanders for details at 770-342-8539.
General Body Meeting on February 21: 6:30 PM. Contact charlotterattlers@gmail.com for Zoom link and password
Hornets HBCU Night & College Fair ( 2/27/23 at 7 PM) Email charlotterattlers@gmail.com for details
General Body Meeting on March 14: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM. Contact charlotterattlers@gmail.com for Zoom link and password
General Body Meeting on April 11: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM. Contact charlotterattlers@gmail.com for Zoom link and password
26th Annual Golf Scholarship Tournament on April 29, 2023. Location: Carolina Lakes Golf Club, Indian Land, SC. Registration and payment available at: https://bit.ly/cltfamugolf2023
End of fiscal year
Honey Hunters Baseball Picnic (6/3/23) Contact the Social Committee for ticket details at charlotterattlers.social@gmail.com
General Body Meeting on June 13: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM. Contact charlotterattlers@gmail.com for Zoom link and password
No general body meetings for the Summer
No general body meetings for the Summer
Joint Orange Blossom Viewing Party w/ Jackson State Alumni Chapter ( 9/5 at 3 PM). Location: Piedmont Social House, 2135 Ayersly Town Blvd Suite C, Charlotte, NC.
General Body Meeting on September 12: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM. Contact charlotterattlers@gmail.com for Zoom link and password
Queen CIty HBCU Coalition Cookout on (9/18, from 2-6pm) Location: Park Road Parl, 6220 Park Road, Charlotte, NC. Shelters 1, 2, and 4 are reserved. For tickets and additional information, visit queencityhbcucookout2021.eventbrite.com and www.firmentclt.com.
Roy Wood Comedy Show (9/24 at 8 PM). Location: The Fillmore, 820 Hamilton St, Charlotte, NC 28206
FAMU Founder’s Day Church Service (10/1 at 9 AM). Location: Friendship Missionary Baptist Church, 3400 Beatties Ford Rd, Charlotte, NC 28216.
General Body Meeting on October 10: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM. Contact charlotterattlers@gmail.com for Zoom link and password
Homecoming Watch Party ( 10/28 from 3:30-7:30 PM). Location: WestEnd Tavern, 2817 Rozzelles Ferry Rd, Charlotte, NC 28208
General Body Meeting on Nov. 14: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM. Contact charlotterattlers@gmail.com for Zoom link and password
Florida Classic Watch Party (11/18). Time + Location: TBD. Contact charlotterattlers.social@gmail.com for updates
Holiday Gala + 30th Anniversary Celebration ( 12/2 at 7 PM). Location: The Living Room, 1132 S Main St, Mt Holly, NC 28120. For ticket and sponsorship details, click here: Ticket Information Here
General Body Meeting on Dec 12: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM. Contact charlotterattlers@gmail.com for Zoom link and password
January 2024
General Body Meeting on January 9: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM. Contact charlotterattlers@gmail.com for Zoom link and password
MLK March on January 13. Line-up begins at 9 AM. The parade will march down Tryon Street, beginning at Ninth Street and ending at Brooklyn Village Avenue. Please contact charlotterattlers.social@gmail.com for updates
Charlotte Hornet’s HBCU College Fair on January 19, 12:30-3:30 pm. Please contact charlotterattlers.social@gmail.com for updates
Hornets Game vs San Antonio Spurs on January 19 at 7 PM, Spectrum Center, Charlotte, NC. Ticket link: TBA
Annual HBCU Night with the Charlotte Hornets vs. Indiana Pacers, February 4 at 6 PM, Spectrum Center, Charlotte, NC. Ticket link: TBA
General Body Meeting on February 13: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM. Contact charlotterattlers@gmail.com for Zoom link and password
General Body Meeting on March 12: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM. Contact charlotterattlers@gmail.com for Zoom link and password
Spring Preview/FAMU College Tour: March 22-25. Details to come
General Body Meeting on April 9: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM. Contact charlotterattlers@gmail.com for Zoom link and password
Golf Tournament on April 25. Details TBD
General Body Meeting and Chapter Board Elections on May 14: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM. Contact charlotterattlers@gmail.com for Zoom link and password
End of fiscal year
General Body Meeting on June 11: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM. Contact charlotterattlers@gmail.com for Zoom link and password
Annual Rattler Round-Up BBQ on July 13, 12 - 7 PM. Location TBA